Solipsism Gradient

Rainer Brockerhoff’s blog

Browsing Posts tagged Comics

…Like an Arrow

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While the tempus is fugiting, I just remembered running across this comprehensive history of “tree swing drawings” which links to some new ones.

My previous post about this:Tree Swing was over 5 years ago, wow!

Update: just saw that I was hot-linking to the image in my old post, sorry about that; fixed.

Re: Developments

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If any of you still read this after nearly 50 days without posting, I’ve been tempted to do this:

Click on the comic to see the original at (via

In other news, my trusty but overloaded MacBook Air proved unable to cope with serious developing (or even the usual mixture of stuff I do when procrastinating working on other things). Less than half an hour (often much less) after I connect to the Internet over either USB/Ethernet or WiFi, connect an external USB drive, an external monitor, or whatnot – much less all of these at once – the fan turns to full blast and soon thereafter the dreaded “kerneltask” begins to use 99% of both CPU cores, slowing typing and even mousing to a crawl.

Closing the Air for 10 to 20 minutes usually but not always allows resuming work for another short time, but sometimes a reboot is necessary. Must be global warming icon_cry.gif

Anyway, my new iMac 27″ quad-core i5 with 8GB of RAM (squeee!!!) is due to arrive tonight and all should be back to normal Real Soon Now?.

Oldie but goodie

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It’s been about 38 years since I first saw a somewhat simpler version of this:

Tree SwingDark Roasted Blend for reminding me.

Update: many more details about the drawing. Its origins still appear to be obscure.


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One of the great features of the early issued of Macmania Magazine used to be the “Macintoshico” center page – cartoons satirizing some feature of the Mac. Somehow they became sparser and sparser over the years, but the last issue featured this brilliant comeback, which I’ve translated for your appreciation:

Click on the thumbnail above to go to the full comic (warning: it’s about 800K!)

I hasten to add that I sat in the 10th row during Steve’s last keynote and I didn’t feel weird at all… icon_wink.gif

Erika Fuchs died recently at 98. She was a major influence on contemporary German culture, mainly by translating Walt Disney’s comics into German from 1951 (the year I was born!) to 1988.

Her translations were original, literary, funny and often memorable; it’s common to hear her phrases quoted in everyday conversation in any German household. They often contained subtle parodies of German classic literature and poetry, as well as ingenious wordplay. I taught myself to read on her work, so she was a huge influence on me. When I finally found some of those comics in the original English, it was a huge letdown. This is certainly a case where the translation far surpasses the original…

Thanks to the Schockwellenreiter for the link.

PhotoShop in Hell

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Rich Tennant’s Fifth Wave shows photoshopping devils at work. icon_lol.gif

Continua a história do Zé Megabyte e seu fiel Jaca Plus, agora ocupado por um software de inteligência artificial. Será que Itaipú está mesmo na Internet? E porque “em tese”?

Alguns comentários:

  • Houve alguns meses de intervalo entre este episódio e os anteriores. Era 1988; o projeto Unitron tinha sido suprimido; e recebi 3 diskettes com novos personagens.
  • Este foi o último episódio publicado, o jornal fechou (não por minha culpa, decerto). Aceito sugestões para novos episódios… quem sabe? Cartas para a Redação!

Continua a história do Zé Megabyte e seu fiel Jaca Plus, agora ocupado por um software de inteligência artificial. Você já viu jacaré usando cílios postiços, por falar nisso?

Alguns comentários:

    O Departamento de Estado Americano havia ameaçado cortar a importação de suco de laranja e (eu acho) sapatos provenientes do Brasil… aconteceu o previsível.
    O projeto da Unitron foi revendido a uma empresa de Taiwan. C’est la vie…

E, claro, ainda se falava “micro” naquela época… 🙂

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