Solipsism Gradient

Rainer Brockerhoff’s blog

How to ruin…

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Things are still extremely busy around here, but this too juicy to pass up.

Benjamin J. Stein has written a great article called “How to Ruin American Enterprise”.

I agree with him that the US is well along most of the steps he describes, but things will become even worse, as other nations are also foolishly copying it.


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Sorry for the lapse in posting, but I’ve been completely snowed under with urgent work.

Just to keep the ball rolling, here’s an excellent article about the cargo cult phenomenon and its manifestations in management culture.

In fact,the whole Coolth site looks extremely interesting and I’ll return to it as soon as possible for a detailed look. The author, John FitzGerald, graciously granted permission to translate that particular article into Portuguese… look for it here in a couple of weeks or so.

I’m slowly weeding out some little bugs and making formatting more consistent. Today I finally made my weblog the default topic, so linking to it is now easier: /bb/viewtopic.

This required changing over a dozen files, so as soon as I find the time I’ll try to generate the header with php.

On blogging

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Denise Howell’s excellent Bag and Baggage has great coverage of the Revenge of the Blog conference, including Mickey Kaus’ talk about the future of blogging.

Here’s another summary, this one from LawMeme.

Following links from these sites, I stumbled upon bIPlog. Highly recommended!

Publiquei todos os episódios arquivados do Zé Megabyte. Havia mais um ou dois mas infelizmente estão perdidos… se alguém tiver, por favor me mande!

Update: os episódios agora estão na ordem certa (não invertida). Desculpem a falha…

Linux Geek Cruise

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The ever-interesting Doc Searls reports on the recently concluded Linux Geek Cruise. His Linus Torvalds notes are fascinating…

…and here is a statement from Linus himself. This is what open source is all about.


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Bill Amend has a new take on Halloween at Foxtrot.

…yeah, right.

A report by Giga Research predicts that Apple will migrate to Intel CPUs by the end of 2003. 🙄

The fact that such silly predictions get any media space at all is well explained by Robert X. Cringely in his columns “Eating Our Seed Corn” and “The Case Against Profissionalism”. Apparently the dubious approach of “maximizing shareholder value” just in time for the next quarterly report is not only becoming standard practice – industry analysts now consider this so obvious that they downgrade companies that have a broader, long-term vision of their mission.

To get the real story, read Ars Technica‘s article about IBM’s PowerPC 970. I’ve just written a similar piece for Macmania magazine.

Early in 1984 I made my first trip to the US to buy the Macintosh 128K, which had been released a few months before. Some friends I met at the airport scoffed at the idea, saying that Apple was dying and would either fold or be acquired by General Electric. 😆

Well, more than 18 years later, Apple is still dying – and it will still be dying for many years to come. Check out MacObserver’s Apple Death Knell Counter page to keep up with the predictions of doom.

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