Well. The rising tide of modernization has finally caught up with me, and the infrastructure of this blog, and of the support forums, will be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 3rd millenium. And all this will happen in the next few weeks.
In other words, all the brass gears, vacuum tubes, hamster cages and whatnot that have powered this site for almost 8 years will be torn out and replaced with gleaming quantum exterocitors powered by the adeledicnander force. Or something.
The support forums will, at the very least, migrate to phpbb 3, and I may seize the opportunity to convert this blog part to WordPress. I’ll be studying the implications.
Meanwhile, I’ve pretty much decided to make a stab at doing stuff for the iPad – I’ve found a guinea pig client for one – and in line with that, will attend the upcoming WWDC. More about that in a few days, after my confirmations for tickets and so forth.