Just found time to read John Gruber’s first impressions of the iPhone. Worth a read, but the most interesting part is where he says that iTunes showed him a crash report, which he posted.
Several interesting items are evident in the crash report, the most interesting is the following line:
OS Version: OS X 1.0 (1A543a)
which sort of answers my previous question; how is Apple planning to handle the Mac OS X/”OS X” division? So unless this is just a stopgap or beta version of “OS X”, version numbers of that aren’t tracking their Mac OS X counterparts at all. We’re back at 1.0.
Elsewhere, Gruber says, referring to some limitations in the iPhone’s “Notes” application:
…Both problems with Notes seem to me an indication that it was designed under the assumption that iPhone would debut alongside Leopard. Mac OS X Leopard includes a system-wide “notes” feature, exposed through Apple Mail, and as you can see in the screenshots, it looks a lot like iPhone Notes – Marker Felt text on a yellow legal pad background. Presumably, some sort of synching is coming eventually, at least with Leopard.
This makes sense to me – I always thought that iPhone and Leopard were originally supposed to come out on the same day, and that by that time we’d see the “Mac” taken out of Mac OS X – OS X 10.5 would be the new version across all Apple products. But apparently this was a little too much for the Apple folks to chew, and Leopard had to be delayed so the iPhone could still come out in the nick of time.
Well, the iPhone seems to be fully capable of being easily updated, and this version convergence may still happen in November (?) when 10.5 Golden Master should be out. Meanwhile, the crash reports yields some other nuggets. There are frameworks with suggestive names like UIKit, Celestial, CoreTelephony, MeCCA and CoreSurface. We can also see that the iPhone uses many known frameworks, but Cocoa’s AppKit is conspicuous in its absence – the Objective-C, BSD and C++ runtimes are there, however. I also see sqlite (backing store for CoreData) and OpenGLES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems) in there.
With all this, I suppose next year’s WWDC will be extremely interesting…
Update: Fraser Speirs has more comments on the crash log.
Update#2: rereading the crash log, I just noticed two more important lines:
Code Type: 0000000C (Native)
Effective UID: 0
The first one probably implies that it’s running the ARM native instruction set instead of the Thumb 16-bit instructions – although that specific ARM CPU also supports Jazelle, which is a hardware-assisted Java virtual machine. The second one indicates that the MobileMail application (and no doubt the other apps) are running as userID zero, also known as “root”. No doubt this will be received with extreme dismay and derision by Unix-savvy folks. While it’s not unsurprising in an embedded device with no user-installable software, I doubt this will be retained when the next major software update comes out – probably together with Leopard.
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