Since yesterday, we’re safely ensconced at a nice hotel in downtown San Francisco, where we’ll stay for 4 weeks – leaving just after WWDC.
The trip up to Corvallis (OR) was marvellous, especially the visit to Crater Lake. It’s the prettiest lake I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen quite a lot. All this took a little more time and energy than we’d budgeted for, and after visiting with some friends we passed up a chance to see the famous DaVinci Days Festival. Instead, we opted to just walk around the beautiful Oregon State University campus, which was well worth the visit.
Going south the next day we opted for the more scenic 101 route (instead of the 5, which we’d driven up on), and it also was great. The Pacific shore is always beautiful and we also had an opportunity to revisit Ferndale, where we’d been on a previous Los Angeles-Vancouver trip.
So, everything’s settling down and for the next 3 weeks I’ll try to do some extra work on XRay II. Hopefully I’ll have a working alpha to show off at WWDC. Or at least a T-Shirt…
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