Posted by
Oi Dorinha e Rainer,
Como está a viagem? Quando voltarem contem-nos tudo.
Gostaríamos também de ver muitas fotos.
Estamos em Cabo Frio.
Edson, Claudia, Renato e Tameme
Posted by
Oi Dorinha e Rainer,
Como está a viagem? Quando voltarem contem-nos tudo.
Gostaríamos também de ver muitas fotos.
Estamos em Cabo Frio.
Edson, Claudia, Renato e Tameme
Seems I plain forgot about it, due to the trip and all, but on Sept. 21st it was this weblog’s third anniversary. Guess it’s been duly commemorated…
jeff wrote:
An email to your .mac account just bounced back to me… Not sure what’s up with your email account.
I don’t have a .mac e-mail account anymore, so that’s valid only for IM. I try not to show my e-mail here for non-logged in users, to avoid the spambots; but it’s
Posted by jeff:
An email to your .mac account just bounced back to me. Sorry I missed you on the IM. Just as I sat down, you hopped offline. Probably for the best. I *really* could use a shower. And some food. IM again when you get a chance. Not sure what’s up with your email account.
Back home; whew. Updates to follow…
Back in Verona, after a quite successful second cruise. Tomorrow we’ll start the long journey back and then there’ll be some time to post photos… meanwhile I’ll try to clear some of the e-mail backlog.
Posted by Rainer Brockerhoff (away):
We’re now comfortably established at Romy and Claudio’s Bed & Breakfast in the Lessinian hills north of Verona – we’ve stayed here last year too, and it’s an excellent deal. (Unfortunately, their site works in Italian only, but there’re lots of links on Google if you’re interested.)
So far we had a nice day in the mountains and another one in Venezia. Photos have come out better than last year’s, so I’ll definitely post some after I get back. Tomorrow we’ll probably visit the market in Verona, then on Sunday it’s off again to the second cruise – this one will make the round trip from Venezia to Greece, Turkey and Croatia. Stay tuned.
Posted by Rainer Brockerhoff (away):
I’m at the cruise terminal in Savona, where we just got off the ship. There’s not much time, but I’ll have the opportunity to post more later in the week; all is fine otherwise. We’ll now get the rental car and drive to Verona, which will be our base for the next 5 days. More later…