This was on the road to the (very small) town of Capivari, near the “Pico do Itambé”, a local peak which is around 2000m above sealevel.
This was on the road to the (very small) town of Capivari, near the “Pico do Itambé”, a local peak which is around 2000m above sealevel.
Shot from the same place as the preceding photo, I just turned to the left.
You can see the wooden bridge in the background.
This type of fungus is popularly called “Devil’s Ear” and grows on tree stumps.
Notice a much smaller, less colorful specimen at the lower left of the photo…
Ducks swimming in the creek about 100m before the waterfall. Again, notice the iron-rich water.
This wooden cross is in front of a church in the town of São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras. The parallel antenna tower in the background caught my eye…
A typical clump of cacti and other plants adapted to dry climates…
Small yellow mushrooms grow from a clump of burned vegetation.
Although it rained frequently during our stay, this region is known for long dry periods and brushfires are very common.