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Re: End of an era

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Posted by neilio:
That’s funny – my magazine consumption is increasing, not decreasing. I guess it’s all a part of me attempting to separate my computer / Internet time from offline stuff. There’s something very relaxing about sitting down with a hot beverage and a good magazine that cannot be replicated by reading the web site.

I think for me this more applies to newspapers than magazines – we still get the weekend edition of the local newspaper here, but during the week we get all of our news from the web.

Albeit I do read quite a few magazines where the content isn’t available on the magazine’s web site, but I think it’s also part of my reading habits. I like to sit down and read a magazine from cover to cover, where as I would never do this with an online version.

I would be interested to hear if your actual reading habits have changed since you stopped reading physical magazines – do you just dip in and read the occasional article here and there, or do you read through an entire magazine’s articles in one sitting as you might have before?

I also stopped keeping the majority of magazines that I buy – like you, I used to hoard everything, but after moving a half dozen times in the past 6-8 years I quickly learned that this, coupled with my massive book collection, was a one-way ticket to gigantic moving fees. So I now use magazine web sites for archives, and only keep the ones where the experience is vastly different with the print edition (Communication Arts, for example).

Just for fun, here’s some of the magazines I still purchase in print form:

– The Economist (though it’s getting harder and harder to read this cover-to-cover with all of the other distractions)

– Communication Arts

Before & After magazine

– Macworld (I have a free subscription lasting for another 2 years or so)

Maisonneuve – awesome Canadian magazine

Walrus – another excellent Canadian magazine – similar to Harpers, but with a Canadian perspective

I would be interested to hear what others are still buying in print form.

End of an era

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Dozens of offline things to be debugged, no time… but I’m slowly digging my way out from under.

Even so, one thing struck me this weekend; I’m not buying magazines anymore.

Ten years ago I was buying an average of 20 to 40 magazines each month. No subscriptions; the few times I tried subscribing, it didn’t work out well; one extreme case was when I subscribed to MacWorld magazine at an expo and the first (and only) issue I ever got from that arrived 11 months late, and with my address wrong – they’d put in “Mexico” instead of “Brazil”. I suppose whoever typed my address in from the subscription card decided I was obviously mistaken about my country of residence. But I digress…

When we moved from a largish house into a smallish apartment, Dorinha wisely decided that my magazine collection would not survive the move. Some I gave to friends, some I stored elsewhere, but most if was discarded… and that part was like several cubic meters of paper. (I thought briefly of microfilming, but…)

Anyway, after the move the only magazine I still bought every month was Wired, since I had the complete run from issue#1. But lately some issues have been missing at the newsdealer’s, and now the last trip has definitely interrupted my collection… and most of it is available on the net now anyway… still, I miss the ads and the back page.

Of course, the blame lies on that Internet thingy. Don’t know how people survived without it…

Re: Anniversary!

No comments wrote:

Como está a viagem? Quando voltarem contem-nos tudo.

Gostaríamos também de ver muitas fotos.

Já voltamos; liguem-nos quando estiverem de volta também… algumas fotos vou publicar aqui.

Re: Anniversary!

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Posted by
Oi Dorinha e Rainer,

Como está a viagem? Quando voltarem contem-nos tudo.

Gostaríamos também de ver muitas fotos.

Estamos em Cabo Frio.


Edson, Claudia, Renato e Tameme

Re: Ciao Italia

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Posted by jeff:
An email to your .mac account just bounced back to me. Sorry I missed you on the IM. Just as I sat down, you hopped offline. Probably for the best. I *really* could use a shower. And some food. IM again when you get a chance. Not sure what’s up with your email account.

Re: Ciao Italia

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Back home; whew. Updates to follow…

Re: Ciao Italia

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Posted by Matt Gemmell:
Have a great time dude. Take photos!

Re: Ciao Italia

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Posted by Nando:
How boring… a trip across Italy, across Europe… *sigh*

I hope I earn a lot this year so i can go back to London in july 2006!

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