A mix-up in my site mirroring routines caused the blogroll at left to be seriously out of date. I think it’s fixed now… my apologies.
A mix-up in my site mirroring routines caused the blogroll at left to be seriously out of date. I think it’s fixed now… my apologies.
Philippe Legrain, chief economist of Britain in Europe (the campaign for Britain to adopt the euro), has a large article over at The Chronicle, argumenting that Cultural Globalization Is Not Americanization. Here are some interesting tidbits from the article:
…The beauty of globalization is that it can free people from the tyranny of geography. Just because someone was born in France does not mean they can only aspire to speak French, eat French food, read French books, visit museums in France, and so on. A Frenchman – or an American, for that matter – can take holidays in Spain or Florida, eat sushi or spaghetti for dinner, drink Coke or Chilean wine, watch a Hollywood blockbuster or an Almodóvar, listen to bhangra or rap, practice yoga or kickboxing, read Elle or The Economist, and have friends from around the world. That we are increasingly free to choose our cultural experiences enriches our lives immeasurably. We could not always enjoy the best the world has to offer.
…It is a myth that globalization involves the imposition of Americanized uniformity, rather than an explosion of cultural exchange. For a start, many archetypal “American” products are not as all-American as they seem. Levi Strauss, a German immigrant, invented jeans by combining denim cloth (or “serge de Nîmes,” because it was traditionally woven in the French town) with Genes, a style of trousers worn by Genoese sailors. So Levi’s jeans are in fact an American twist on a European hybrid.
…In some ways, America is an outlier, not a global leader. Most of the world has adopted the metric system born from the French Revolution; America persists with antiquated measurements inherited from its British-colonial past. Most developed countries have become intensely secular, but many Americans burn with fundamentalist fervor – like Muslims in the Middle East. Where else in the developed world could there be a serious debate about teaching kids Bible-inspired “creationism” instead of Darwinist evolution?
…The really profound cultural changes have little to do with Coca-Cola. Western ideas about liberalism and science are taking root almost everywhere, while Europe and North America are becoming multicultural societies through immigration, mainly from developing countries. Technology is reshaping culture: Just think of the Internet. Individual choice is fragmenting the imposed uniformity of national cultures. New hybrid cultures are emerging, and regional ones re-emerging. National identity is not disappearing, but the bonds of nationality are loosening.
…But if people now wear the bonds of nationality more loosely, is that such a bad thing? People may lament the passing of old ways. Indeed, many of the worries about globalization echo age-old fears about decline, a lost golden age, and so on. But by and large, people choose the new ways because they are more relevant to their current needs and offer new opportunities that the old ones did not…
Thanks to the Blogalization Conspiracy for the heads-up. Click on the preceding link to read more excerpts and commentary. For myself, as a German citizen living in Brazil, working over the Internet in a “Virtual Silicon Valley“, if I may call it that, globalization is a very welcome feature of the modern world. On the other hand, I have to accept that I’m ahead of my time here…
Joi Ito is asking for disclaimer advice:
I just got this from a good friend of mine via email.
This business with saying that you’re a shareholder in a company, or might be in the future, can we give that a rest? or can you put it on a page somewhere on its own.
It’s just annoying and offputting, and after a while it’s going to look arrogant and boastful. that’s what i think anyway.So I guess I should make a disclaimer page. Didn’t realize that the disclaimers could be construed as boasting, but hindsight seems obvious.
I think this somewhat strange… if he doesn’t say what he’s invested in, people complain he’s biased; if he does, he’s boastful? Or worse? I’d rather interact with people who say outright what their interests are, rather than those who pretend to a godlike impartiality.
That said, perhaps The World’s Most Powerful Meta-Disclaimer may be of help…
Update: Oops, had a broken backlink, it’s now fixed…
Just found out that Dan Frakes is recommending XRay in his TidBITS article. This accounts for the recent traffic peak . Thanks, Dan!
Posted by Michael Tsai’s Weblog:
Michael Tsai’s Weblog linked to this post
Apple Music
Eric Blair Rainer Brockerhoff Bill Bumgarner Tom Negrino I really want to hear the details of the DRM. How is the iPod special wrt authorization? What happens if I burn a CD and then rip it? I’m not sure yet how much I’ll use this service. Unlike Jobs, I like albums, and the prices seem geared towards singles. Right now, I see it as mostly useful for previewing and accessing previously unreleased material. I didn’t see the original version of “Slow Motion,” though.
Oops. Forgot to note that the third and final part of Michael Crawford‘s article “Living with Schizoaffective Disorder” came out a few days ago. Here are links to Part II and Part I.
Wow. Today’s been a busy day for me, and it’s raining interesting topics. Here’s just a very short list in no particular order; hopefully at least one of them is still news to you.
The folks at Movable Type announce TypePad, a Blogger competitor. Initial comments are very positive.
O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology Conference 2003 has started… wish I were there!
Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing fame is collaborating on a short story called “Unwirer” with Charlie Stross; they’re blogging chapter by chapter and accepting comments. No time as yet to do more than glance through it, but it’s an interesting experiment.
Must find time to glance through the Internation String Figures Association‘s website. String figures have fascinated me since early childhood.
Fábio Caparica wrote:
esqueceu de mim:
Só agora que eu vi seu comentário, mas não esqueci não, olhe aqui…