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C4[0] is over

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Jon Rentzsch’s C4 Conference, zeroth issue, is over. And by all accounts, a great success; wish I could have attended, but I’d already spent my conference credits on WWDC this year.

Maybe next year I’ll manage it, if I can attend something else important/interesting in the US before or afterwards. Meanwhile, here’s the best bit:

In most conferences, some folks will congregate in the hallways to hang out…

But with C4, I didn?t catch any conversations in the hallway. Olof said “The main room was the hallway. It was all hallway.”

Sounds good to me…

I’ll wait for the videos to become available, but I already know I’ll want to comment on John Gruber‘s talk.

Adam has posted a response on the installer authorization issue:

I don’t believe they’re even calling that function to gain root, honestly, because it follows the authorization file. It can’t not. They’re doing something else and I believe that’s a red herring here. There’s no way to call that function and have it not consult the database, so they’re doing something internal to get around it. Be that a SUID program somewhere or some private call, they’re getting around the clause in authorization that says the user needs a password.

Well, that’d be a surprise to me, but it’s not impossible. I’ll try to find some time to do a test package and some rooting (oops!) around inside the Installer before writing more about this.

Adam Knight the codepoet, whom I link to quite often from here, has an article out on Mac Geekery, ominously called “How a Malformed Installer Package Can Crack Mac OS X“:

There exists a pretty significant interface problem with the Apple Installer program such that any package requesting admin access via the AdminAuthorization key, when run in an admin user account, is given full root-level access without providing the user with a password prompt during the install. This is even explained in Apple’s Installer documentation as proper behavior. The distinction between the AdminAuthorization and RootAuthorization keys is, simply, whether or not the admin user is prompted for a password; the end powers are exactly the same and it is up to the creator of the package as to if he will be kind enough to ask for a password…

Well, at first glance this looks like a pretty serious security hole. Let’s see what that Apple documentation says about this:

This is actually quite clear. If the installer package asks for the same level of privileges that the logged-in user already has, authorization is not required; meaning, it won’t ask for a password. Which makes sense; after all, to log in as root or as an administrator you must know the root or an administrator’s password to start with – usually. If the packages needs higher privileges to do its stuff, the user will be “prompted for authorization”. This autorization will be used for two purposes: setting permissions on the installed files, and for running pre- and post-installation scripts. We’re concerned only about the second purpose. Before going into that, let me explain a few things.

First of all, using an installer package is pretty much, nowadays, a good thing only when you’re installing something that messes with the system’s folders, or that executes scripts that do restricted things. Installing a kernel extension, updating the system frameworks, setting up servers and startup/login items are common examples. It’s frightfully infra-dig to make a package just to install your application in /Applications. In other words, just the presence of an installer package on a disk image should be pretty much an indication that something uncommon will happen if you double-click it.

So, the common perception is that for an installer package to mess with the restricted system folders is that it should ask for root authorization, and therefore you’ll be asked for a password – since you’re not running as root to begin with. Or shouldn’t be; the root account comes disabled by default on Mac OS X. And since most packages do it this way, this perception is reinforced; it’s become pretty much automatic to double-click on a package, type in your administrator password at the prompt, and “boom” (can’t remember who says that icon_wink.gif).

So Adam strongly recommends:

Run as a normal user. Open files you trust. Stick to that and you’ll be fine.

Read his recommendations and follow at least some of them. I’d add: use Charles Srstka’s excellent Pacifist software to see what’s being installed, and where, before running the Installer – for one, Pacifist doesn’t run pre- and post-installation scripts contained in the package, so it’s not an Installer replacement.

The tricky part comes when the package asks for admin authorization. Mac OS X installs the first user as an administrator, and it’s required to have an administrator account present – after all, if you had none, the system would become quite unmodifiable. So, the recommended practice is to set up your system in this first account, then set up a second non-admin user account and use this for your normal activities; switch back to the admin account only when installing software.

Unfortunately, Apple seems to have found this confusing for “normal” users, and I’d tend to agree. A significant amount of explanation would have to be inserted into the setup application, especially as this not-normally-used “user” would also have a home folder where stuff would not be visible by the day-to-day user. There’s even the option of setting the machine to boot automatically into a certain user, and I’d say many non-technical users click this to speed up booting and to avoid having to remember their password every day. Unfortunately, as a side-effect of these circumstances, most users are running as an administrator without having had to type in the administrator password at all.

Now let’s suppose you get a (underhandedly malicious) installer package and double-click on it without examining its contents beforehand. You think it can’t mess up much as it will ask for a password if it does anything serious, right?

Wrong. True, it will ask for a password if it wants root authorization – but then, you’re already conditioned to type in your password anyway. But if it asks for admin authorization and you’re already running as an admin, it won’t ask for a password at all, and merrily use the admin authorization you gave it (by logging in!) to muck about with your system.

Now wait a minute. Why does this admin authorization which is not root authorization let the installer run scripts as root, as Adam proved by a test package? Isn’t that a serious bug and security hole, as he claims?

Well, yes and no. The answer lies in a file called /etc/authorization. This is an XML file in property list format which defines the various rights a process can ask for when using the Authorization Framework, and defines a set of rules that are applied when this happens. The principles involved are quite complex, and I’m still learning to understand them fully. Here’s a paragraph from that documentation:

When a user who is a member of the admin group logs on to the system, for example, the user’s credential (that is, the fact that they have entered a valid admin user name and password) is saved in the global credentials cache. Then when this user attempts to modify a system preference, Security Server finds the credential in the cache and does not display an authentication dialog.

which confirms what I said above. And later on:

Not all installers require authorization – only those that need special privileges to copy files to restricted directories, make changes to restricted files, or set setuid bits.

An installer is a special case because unlike other applications, an installer is usually run only once. Due to the limited use, Authorization Services provides a function to invoke your installer to run with root privileges. It is up to the user to determine if the installer is from a trusted source.

So far so good; but why in, practice, do admin privileges mean “run as root”? Well, in that XML file we have the following section:


Translating this into a slightly less geeky form, this is the autorization right requested by the AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() call, which is the one used by the Installer. It can be granted to users of the “admin” group, is granted automatically to the root user, and times out in 5 minutes. AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(), in turn, is the system call to run a script as root; which is allowed for administrators, as we’ve seen.

In other words, everything is certainly “behaving as expected”; it’s not a bug, it’s a mistaken assumption: “anything that runs as root will ask for authentication when run by an admin user”. That’s certainly not true. However, I don’t deny that the Installer could be more explicit here, either not calling AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() for its scripts when admin authorization is asked for (which might break some existing packages), or by showing a separate alert at the beginning, saying “this package will run its scripts as root”. Let’s suggest this to Apple and see what happens…

Disk Image gallery

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I just found a very nice and interesting gallery of disk images. I decided against using disk images early on when I found that, more often than not, some local setting of the user’s Finder would make the icons move around, usually confusing less experienced users.

But these look so nice, I may change my mind now; I wonder if it might be worth it to file a bug suggesting that icons on locked disk images should snap back into their positions.

Many thanks to Jim Matthews of Fetch Softworks for remembering that I had the original idea of putting a symbolic link to /Applications on the disk image. I now see that most people are simply putting in a Finder alias instead of a symlink… I’m not so sure this is a good idea. It works quite well in Tiger, but it will store your boot disk name at the very least, and perhaps even break if the user has a secondary volume which has that same name.

It’s here, and about time. Hopefully I’ve fixed all known bugs and incorporated most reasonable suggestions…

…now back to XRay II. icon_wink.gif

WWDC thoughts

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WWDC 2006 had two main topics: the new Mac Pros and Leopard. Regarding the Mac Pros, they seem quite competitive and well-built. I’m very content with my current iMac G5 (which I bought at last year’s WWDC), so I haven’t looked at them closely; desk space is important to me. By the way, it seems that Apple Brazil has just released the local price of the standard configuration, and it comes out to US$5400. Ouch.

Regarding Leopard, there’s a nice write-up at Wikipedia, so I won’t try to enumerate everything here.

All in all, I can say this was one of my best WWDCs yet. As I’ve said before, the timing was excellent. Apple has obviously made the most of the (unusual) June-to-August delay and from the developer standpoint all important stuff was in place. Most of the Leopard APIs seem to be well-defined, reasonably stable, and of course the tools are all in place. Xcode 3.0 and the new developer tools “just work”. In one Q&A session Chris Espinosa, was asked about the stability of the tools – whether developers should rely on them for new products, or should wait for the GM release – answered “we all use them daily for building Leopard, so they have to work well!”

So, this is important news for developers. Before, existing tools were used to build a new system and the next generation of tools came out with (or after) the GM release. Now, Apple has obviously been working on the new stuff iteratively; first versions of the new frameworks were used to build first versions of the new tools, then those were in turn re-used to work on the new frameworks. Certainly this has always happened to some extent, but I believe that this synergy between tools and frameworks has now hit an important inflection point.

Apple has clearly been working towards this for years. Mac OS X ‘s frameworks are now 4-way universal, containing binaries for PowerPC 32, PowerPC 64, Intel 32 and Intel 64 bits. Therefore, applications can now be built for all 4 environments, and all are fully supported by the new developer tools. This is a well-known capability of the Mach-O executable format by the way, not a new thing; NeXT applications were also distributed for several architectures, and the Virtual PC 7 executable has binaries optimized for 5 (!) different PowerPC variants.

Framework synergy is a marvelous thing. Apple has just released a short movie showing off CoreAnimation. The “city towers” effect in the second half can be now rendered in realtime on a MacPro – something that even two years ago would have been impossible. Looking very closely you can see that some of those squares are actually playing movies! But only a developer can fully appreciate the other important aspect: the code to generate this movie has shrunk down to less than 10% of what would have been necessary in Tiger.

Let’s talk somewhat vaguely (NDA mumble mumble) about how synergy might have made this happen in the CoreAnimation case. The MacPro has a faster, 64-bit CPU architecture, as well as faster video cards. 64-bit processes can use extra CPU registers and the new vector operations which seem to, finally, have equivalent power to the PowerPC G5’s AltiVec. The LLVM compiler is now used in the OpenGL stack to add a significant speedup (and this even for low-end machines!). Add in Quartz optimizations. Add in easy Cocoa support for all of these. Add in runtime efficiences introduced by Objective C 2.0. Add in new debugging and optimization made possible by implementing DTrace. Add in the ease of programming all this with less and more reliable code. Add in some extra stuff I can’t talk about… it adds up! And comparable gains are visible all through the new system.

At the risk of repeating myself, all this ho-hum talk about Leopard just being Spaces, Time Machine and some UI tweaks to iChat and Mail is so wrong. Granted that Steve Jobs had to show some non-developer news at the keynote, given the wildly unrealistic expectations. But, it really was a Developer Preview. It was released at the right time and to the right people in order to make sure that, whenever the Leopard GM comes out (my guess would be in January at MacWorld Expo), some hundred cool new applications will be available on the same day. And they’ll necessarily be Leopard-only; expect Leopard to be adopted by a significant portion of the user base in a very short timeframe.

Now to my own projects. I’d really love to have the upcoming XRay II to be Leopard-only, but that would delay release too much, and it doesn’t really need 64-bit capabilities. However, I’ll really need some fixes introduced in the last Tiger updates, so 10.4.7 will be the minimum supported version, which should be no hardship, as I can’t imagine anyone voluntarily staying with older Tiger versions. However, some of the stuff I’ve seen at WWDC has completely changed my plans regarding certain features and capabilities, so I’ll opt for implementing things in a way that might be a little constrained under Tiger but will really be much better under Leopard.

RBSplitView has been a marvelous experience for me. It’s been very widely adopted and even the Cocoa team has promised to take a look at it (no promises, of course). And it was very gratifying to be instantly recognized by many famous developers – of course my XRay II/RBSplitView t-shirt was intended to make this very easy! I’ve received lots of positive feedback and I’m working hard on implementing my own fixes and all suggestions. Hopefully I’ll have version 1.1.4 out in a very short time. This should be universal and fully compatible with Xcode 2.4. A 64-bit version compatible with the new Interface Builder will, unfortunately, have to wait until a more widely available Leopard beta comes out – I’m waiting for word from Apple about when it’ll be kosher, as I’ll necessarily have to include some new Leopard headers and APIs.

I have updated Nudge to be universal, and it seems to still be useful on Tiger for mounted network volumes. Expect the update to be available in a few days – I’m still doing some last-minute checking. Zingg! is, unfortunately, much harder to update at the moment. I haven’t touched it since 1.4.1 came out over 2 years ago, and the source code has been pushed out to some CDR backups – and the two I’ve found are, sadly, unreadable. I still have some hope of finding a copy someday (there’s a ton of stuff stashed away from my move), but don’t count on it. Recoding it from the ground up will have to wait for Leopard, where it’ll be much easier to do – there were some awful undocumented things I had to do at the time. Sorry about that. The USInternational keyboard layout will soon be repackaged in a way that (hopefully) will work around the “custom keyboard layout is randomly deselected” bug in Tiger. I’ll need to wait for a Leopard beta to come out to check if it’ll be upwardly compatible, though. I’m trying (again) to go through Apple channels to have it included with the standard system, perhaps this time it’ll work out?

Rainer Brockerhoff wrote:

Still, Steve Jobs said many features were still “top secret”. I suppose most of them will be revealed later under NDA.

And so they were. Well, at the least most of them that developers should be concerned about. I’ll talk about some fundamental issues here, but of course I can’t talk about details not released elsewhere.

Rainer Brockerhoff wrote:

Xcode 3.0 features a cool new debugging feature called… “Xray”. So. Good thing I’m at XRay II already. Where’s my lawyer…? icon_biggrin.gif

Well, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to Apple – informally, I hasten to add – and we’ve agreed there’s no conflict. A good thing too, as they have more lawyers than I do, hehe. Unofficially, I’ve heard that it was called PowerSomethingOrOther until nearly the last day before the show and then someone (marketing?) decided on the name change without doing a Google search. (Probably because PowerSomethings are on their way out, anyway.)

I’ve been floating ideas of possible name changes with other developers – GammaRay? CAT? PET? PowerSameThing? Nothing has quite the same zing, and I’d have to change the icon – and so I’ve decided keeping XRay II will be OK for me. It’s a full version ahead!

Anyway, I’ve been not-too-surprised about the mostly ho-hum reactions the keynote got among journalists, analysts and non-developer entities. And of course the stock is down. Well, no new iPod was revealed, right? And some people to this day think that Tiger was only Dashboard, Spotlight and some small cosmetic changes in the iApps…

…and from that point of view, the Leopard preview was only Time Machine, 64-bit support on some machines, and… HTML Mail templates? To-do in Mail. And erh, more effects in iChat and PhotoBooth, right? Personally, I was disappointed to see Steve Jobs waste so much detail on such trivia. And of course, HTML e-mail should be stamped out, not fomented!! Death to Mail templates!!! Argh. Sorry. Hm.

Well, it’s a developer conference and this was a preview for non-developers. The timing of this conference was very interesting. I’ve been to conferences where the timing was unfortunate. Way back when they showed the Copland preview absolutely nothing worked and most of the sessions were pure hand-waving. Last year, Tiger had already been out for a time and that conference was interesting more for its historical value (and for testing on the Intel kits, of course).

This time, the Leopard preview is at the right stage. Most of the new APIs and things are either working or in the final stages. There’s documentation! There are machines running the new system! The new system kernel panic a few times a day under hard use, but that’s normal. There’s the usual list of deprecated APIs we should avoid in the future, and the usual list of cool new APIs I’ll have to wait a year or more to really use. What is mostly not there is what those guys were looking for: a new kernel, a new Finder, the death of metal, new applications, radically improved applications (and I’ll explain below why they shouldn’t be here now).

More importantly, there’s a clear sense of direction. I’ve changed several ideas I had about XRay II’s implementation and most of them will make my life easier, mostly through having to write less code. Or, in the future, of being able to take code away, or to do cool new stuff on Leopard in the “just-works” mode.

So, what the non-developers don’t get is that Leopard is all about infrastructure – as was Tiger too, come to think of it. As someone (Lincoln?) is reputed to have said, “if I have 8 hours to fell a tree, I prefer to spend 6 hours sharpening my ax”. And that’s what’s going on. They’re sharpening the infrastructure. Then, a very short time (comparatively) before release, all the new infrastructure will make doing those cosmetic and application changes much easier, and they’ll be faster as a side-effect too. And they’ll be doing things not possible today. Some folks are catching this hint. For instance, Time Machine’s cool new UI is possible thanks to the new CoreAnimation framework, which itself rests on other stuff I can’t mention… and all this new infrastructure is interacting synergistically, so the rate of change of innovation is increasing without Apple having to add more engineers, or developers like me having to write more code. The new boring Mail features are based on new frameworks available to other apps, and so on.

More later…

Looks like I got most of it right… Xcode 3.0. 64-bit cleanness. Dual duo-core Mac Pro (Xeons), also in the new Xserves. No iPod or iAnything.

No new UI stuff was visible, but Time machine and CoreAnimation makes up for that; these were really cool. No new Finder, it seems.

No virtualization, unless they’re keeping the name “Boot Camp” for that. Still, Steve Jobs said many features were still “top secret”. I suppose most of them will be revealed later under NDA.

More later. Or not. icon_wink.gif

Update: Xcode 3.0 features a cool new debugging feature called… “Xray”. So. Good thing I’m at XRay II already. Where’s my lawyer…? icon_biggrin.gif

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Iravan child theme by Rainer Brockerhoff, based on Arjuna-X, a WordPress Theme by SRS Solutions. jQuery UI based on Aristo.