Inspired by my recent musings about OS X 10.8 – specifically, the need for a way to check application signatures – I’m releasing the first public beta of RB App Checker Lite. Please follow the link to download.
RB App Checker Lite will be an easy way for anyone to check any executable – application, command-line tool or framework – for signatures. Also, for an app downloaded from the Mac App Store, it will show you the receipt and check everything for validity.
This is also the first of my forthcoming RB Utilities application suite. Here’s the application icon:

The icon series was designed by
Sérgio Bergocce. The cube will be common to all applications, my logo is of course on the left, and the right-hand side will symbolize what each app does; the colors will try to symbolize price and geekiness level. 🙂 In this case, light blue alludes to the “Lite” part, and of course that means the application will be free.
I’ll try to distribute all free utilities over both the Mac App Store and my own site; non-free utilities are intended to be MAS-only, if possible. The ultimate intention is to substitute my very old XRay utility by a group of small, focused programs. More on that later…