Solipsism Gradient

Rainer Brockerhoff’s blog

Browsing Posts published in November, 2008

Klicko 1.0 is out. Details at eleven…


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While I finish up Klicko 1.0, here’s a cool tag-making site: tinytags (courtesy of The Presurfer).

Re: Klicko (beta)

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Klicko 1.0b8 is now up and I hope that it’ll reach 1.0 (final) with no further modifications.

I’ve tweaked the icon and user interface, and you can now choose to have it run in the Dock or with a small icon on the menubar.

Unfortunately there were too many UI inconsistencies/tricky workarounds to get it working properly with Tiger, so this is Leopard-only. Sorry about that.

Suggestions or bug reports are welcome.

Re: Klicko (beta)

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Just pushed out Klicko 1.0b7 (1.0b6 was up only a few minutes).

It now doesn’t block clicks in sheets, has 4 localizations (English, Portuguese, French [by Ronald Leroux], and German [with the help of M. Uli Kusterer]), and the application list can now be of either excluded or included applications.

Please note that if you note unusual behavior, or UI slowdown, with a specific app you can exclude that app (or you can include only some app, alternatively).

Re: Klicko (beta)

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The saga continues with Klicko 1.0b5.

The click-through functionality itself hasn’t changed but now the About window flips over to show a Preferences window. This window is just a list of applications explicitly excluded from the click-through suppression.

I seized the occasion to re-learn some stuff about Cocoa tables. Everything should “just work” as expected; you can select any running application from the “+” button’s popup menu, or drag applications directly into and out of the window.

I’ll probably do one last beta to fix any remaining bugs, and incorporate additional localizations. Stay tuned.

Update: forgot to say, I tested it in Tiger and everything appears to work fine there too.

Klicko (beta)

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Posted by useful:
useful wrote

Bookmarked your post over at Blog!

Re: Klicko (beta)

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Klicko 1.0b4 is just out. It’s a little smaller and, despite that, is localized into Portuguese.

I switched some stuff around so that any new localizations will add only two small text files to the app. Localizers, please tell me if you’re interested.

Re: Klicko (beta)

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Klicko 1.0b3 is out with some fixes. In particular, it now brings applications forward independently of the window type, and the “About” window has better text.

I think this is probably the best functionality I can get out of this application. The only addition I can think of would be a list of applications to exclude. Let’s wait for some feedback on this…

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