Solipsism Gradient

Rainer Brockerhoff’s blog

Browsing Posts published in November, 2002

On blogging

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Denise Howell’s excellent Bag and Baggage has great coverage of the Revenge of the Blog conference, including Mickey Kaus’ talk about the future of blogging.

Here’s another summary, this one from LawMeme.

Following links from these sites, I stumbled upon bIPlog. Highly recommended!

Publiquei todos os episódios arquivados do Zé Megabyte. Havia mais um ou dois mas infelizmente estão perdidos… se alguém tiver, por favor me mande!

Update: os episódios agora estão na ordem certa (não invertida). Desculpem a falha…

Linux Geek Cruise

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The ever-interesting Doc Searls reports on the recently concluded Linux Geek Cruise. His Linus Torvalds notes are fascinating…

…and here is a statement from Linus himself. This is what open source is all about.


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Bill Amend has a new take on Halloween at Foxtrot.

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